Monday, 15 August 2011

lapband - throwing up

I find that when I start getting to the lower end of a range that I seem to stay the same for a while. For example I started in the 160's so when I got to around 161 to 163 its like a giant hurdle to get to the 150's, same to get to the 140's and 130's. Now its happening to get to the 120's.

Its like I get so excited to nearly be there and my body says "nah nah we tricked you".
This one is a biggy as I can't remember the 120's. So I am hoping by the end of the month I will be there :)

The one thing I hate about the band is that you never know when your going to get something stuck. Of course some foods you know and just don't have, but other foods are ok one day and not the next.

For me this seems to be wraps and chicken. I can have chicken and salad on a wrap one day or then like today it gets stuck. I haven't thrown up for ages... actually it was the 10th feb when Leanne was over for lunch (also fil's birthday). Then it was also wraps. Yet I have wraps nearly every day for lunch.

I am starting to think that maybe stress makes the band tighter as well. Today I had to go and say farewell to a lovely friend who is dying. I spent a few hours with her this morning before coming home for a late lunch.

Anyway thats my update for now lol

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