Monday, 7 November 2011

Daily struggle

Lately I am finding I am craving milk drinks. The problem is that they tend to build up phlegm in me, which in turn means that it causes my food to get stuck and I throw up. Gross I know but its mainly phlegm and what ever is behind it.

I am also at the invisible stuck line where I am just about to go into another bracket. It happened from the 50's to the 40's and to the 30's and the 20's and the teens and is now happening for the tens. I am determined that it will happen this month. Its just a pain not being able to exercise atm.

Now I hear you ask, why am I not exercising. When I did the charity walk I damaged t9 and t10 in my back and it is now seizing up when I do the slightest of things. After a ct scan I have been told to rest it for 3 months. Yeah right!! And who will look after Ryan when Peter is at work... oh the carer fairies haha. 

Next week I am going to see the plastic surgeon to see what the cost is to get my arms done and what he wants me down to for it to happen.

Going to try and organize myself to write more on this and my autobiography which has sadly been forgotten, although on here.

Oh and also now have a twitter account @kerrieczernia 

Night for now. :)