Monday, 15 August 2011

Lapband - 5

Well New Year has hit us once again. The older you get the quicker it goes lol
Well New Year has hit us once again. The older you get the faster it goes. 

Last time I wrote was before xmas. Now I love Xmas and everything it stands for. One thing I don't like about it is the food. lol. I didn't behave and had some choc coated almonds and other things I shouldn't of and hence put on a couple of kilos.

Also had a couple of blockages which had me rushing to the toilet to throw up... I know too much info but its part of this journey.

Last couple of days I put myself back on liquids to help get give my stomach a rest. You need to do this if you get anything stuck. Well your suppose to for 24 but I did 48 hours instead. The good thing is that my weight has now started to head back in the right direction.

For Xmas daughter got ishape for the wii. Have to say it is really good. Its the one with the camera that scans your body when your exercising and tells you to keep moving your legs/arms or to watch the tutorial on how to do it properly. It also works out a programme for you to follow. Daughter thought this was unfair as hers is 45 mins 3 times a week and mine is only 15mins 5 days a week haha.

Speaking of body mine is changing. Hubby says some more shape is coming back into it. Daughter says my bum is going and Ryan's contribution..... your boobs still hang to your ankles haha.

I am not making resolutions this year. Just trying to make things a bit different. Keeping up with the diet, exercising and get back into my writting. At the moment I am doing Troy's scrapbook for his 18th. I did one each for the other 2. Only thing is that I only started this week and need it finished for his birthday on Feb 14th haha. Nothing like a tight deadline.

One of the other things I am planning this year is a road trip by myself. I am going to NSW to visit some friends and maybe meet up with some that I haven't met yet but have wanted to. 

I hope you all have a fantastic, happy and healthy 2010!!! 
end of world. 
Well what a week.Where previously I thought I had restriction I never did.

I have to tell you that I thought my world had come to an end the other day. I was nearly in tears, the pain was incredible. I had a prawn get stuck!! OMG I thought, I won't be able to have these again. But I found that if I spend about half an hour chewing one, so that all flavour is gone and its just some stringy type of mess, than yes I can still have them. 

Been getting a lot of things getting stuck, toast is another big one. I eat sometimes even after waiting the half hour to have a drink, I can feel it sitting on top of the food waiting its turn to go through. 

Pain under my left ribs is incredible sometimes. Spoke to gp about that yesterday and its wind from swollowing air when I am eating. I think I might have to learn how not to breath to stop that haha.

Oh well till next time.
celebration time, come on 
Now as you know when I started my weight loss journey I was 167kg. Then I went to the 150's, then the 140's where I seemed to get stuck. Well now......wait for it............... I ................ the 130's woooooooohoooooooooooooooooo

This time the tightening is really working. Where I thought it was before is nothing compared to this. I have to be careful of what I eat, as I have had a couple of blockages. But finally, am on the move again!!!! 
okay I am back 
I know its been a while and I am slack. 

While I haven't put on any weight I haven't lost any. Its very disheartening. The doctor said today he thinks it because I am not having food that is not totally solid eg yoghurt for breakfast, which he says has 70% sugar and its just going thru and not filling.

I am finding that I have a fill, like I did today and then in a couple of weeks, its like there is no restriction. He said that is normal but I am not too sure on that and if it happens again this time I will be wanting it looked at better. 

On the exercise side of things, I am walking nearly every day and actually enjoying it. 

I have also had to have my blood pressure medication cut in half.... woohooo. 

And I have a lot more energy..... again woohoo.

I am not sleeping much though. I think too much running thru my head. 

Ok I know this was short but I promise to keep it up to date from now on :)
Yep I am slack 
Not much has changed. Weight has stayed the same I am sorry to say. I am starting to wonder if maybe the band isn't in the right place or leaking. It seems to last for a week after a fill then not tight again. I will give it another week or so then go back to specialist to see what he says. I am hoping that it isn't either of them as there is no way we can afford to get it fixed.

Will keep you updated.
Still here 
Well I am still plodding along. Weight has stayed the same, much to my disappointment. But then I suppose its better than putting on.  Should say though that my clothes are getting looser, so maybe my body shape is changing. My shirts are beginning to look like dresses. haha

Exercise is picking up. For my birthday Ryan gave me Wii Resort. I am having heaps of fun playing it.

I have to tell you a funny story about it though.

Now I am someone who can visualize very, very easily. Doing meditations you only have to describe a place and I am there. I just didn't realize how in the moment I get until yesterday.

One of the games is basketball. Resort has motion controls that come with it to play. Anyway I am playing basketball and didn't realize that instead of just bringing my arm up to shoot, I was also half jumping haha. I thought to myself afterwards while puffing and panting and trying to get my breathe back... what an idiot!! haha.

Later on I was doing cycling. I had done a couple of races and then went to a new course. Part of this course was riding on the beach. From all the bikes in the race and the breeze there was sand flying around on the screen. Here am I, putting my head down and to the side so that the sand didn't get into my eyes. Yeah yeah go on laugh. When I realized what I was doing, I was so embarressed and glad no one but the dog was there to witness it haha.

Okay back to lapband. Being my birthday this week I did do a few things I shouldn't of. I drank while eating and over ate as well.

Some things that I have learnt thru this and that may help others that aren't getting lapband are....

1. Drink 10mins max prior to a meal. Don't drink for 30 mins after eating so your not washing your food thru your stomach and getting hungry sooner.

2. Take at least 20 to 30 mins to eat what you have for a meal. Thats how long it will take your body to tell your brain your full and stop you from overeating.

3. Drink plenty of water during the day.

4. When you feel hungry, stop and think is it your stomach telling you that you are or your head. Head hunger is because you smell something or see something and then think you are hungry.

I will add more as I think of them but these things alone will help.
oh the pain 
Well one thing that is back is the wind pain under my left rib. OMG if I have a larger meal then the pain is rather intense.

Now you might be wondering what is a large meal. Well the 2 things that have set it off this week are - an omlette with onions and potato in it with a sausage and today was a hamburger. I have been drinking some soft drink to try and move the gas bubble.

On another note I had my diabetic clinic apt yesterday. All bloods were fine, blood pressure was 100 over 70 and the nurse just kept commenting about how healthy I was looking. So that gave me a boost and made me feel good.
new tight band 
Well the band is tight. I have had a couple of tablets get stuck and a cup of coffee will fill me as it takes its time going thru.

I have lost what I put on so that is good.

I have also made up an exercise plan and expecting the whole family to do it lol. This will be one way to get me motivated.... well thats what I am hoping, I have only printed it out so far. Does that count as exercise???? hahaha.

I have a dinner to go to next week. Am trying to decide whether to buy a new top to wear or just wear one that is now a bit big. I hate shopping... yeah yeah I know unusual for a female... and I hate wasting money on clothes especially if I will not wear it for long. Decisions, decisions.

Anyway will update again in a few days. Have a ball everyone!!
I know I am slack 
I know I haven't updated for a while.

I ended up  having another fill yesterday. So now I have 8 mls in the band. I was back to eating whatever and how much I wanted, which meant I put on nearly 1kg.

The doctor decided to try and do the ajustment himself instead of sending me off to xray. Luckily he was able to and got the port first go. Only thing was when he took the needle out, blood went everywhere lol. His hands were covered and he was grabbing paper towel to wipe it up and try and stop it. lol.

So now my clothes have blood and so does my bra. Think I will have to go naked next time..... yeah right haha.

So now back on 2 days of liquids.

Still struggling with exercise. So if anyone in the Ipswich area would like to give me an hour or so of your time when you can, to come and exercise with me, that would be great. I have a recumbert bike, treadmill, weights, bands, step and gym set. Also have a wii and tai chi and heart smart dvds.

Now to go and have my shake for brekky. Its shakes 3 times a day and I also have some pumpkin soup and drinking yoghurt. Bet your all jealous now aren't you hahaha.
Well weight is still moving down, just at a slower pace now, which I am told is good. lol

One thing that I have had for the last couple of months is really itchy skin. I don't think its from the weather but will talk to dr about it next time I go.

This is all still hard and I don't think it will ever be easy. Its all still about making the right choices with the small amount you can eat. I went out with friends last week and ordered lunch time fish and veggies. Of course I couldn't finish it, but they were nice enough to put it in a takeaway container for me to have at home. I have found a lot of places don't have entrees that are suitable. All seem to be either oysters...yuk, the only seafood I don't eat, or bread products.

Maybe someone should come up with a lapband fast food place... they would make a fortune haha.

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