Monday, 15 August 2011

Lapband 3

damn, damn, damn 
Well I didn't get done today. Went into place, get changed on bed, they set everything up, scan and find port and then go to get the dr who has to do the proceedure. He informs them that he doesn't do lap bands. grrrrr.

The poor girl was so embarrassed and angry. She said that the drs can pick and choose what they do and don't do and they only have 1 who will do it. So now I have to go back on Friday.

Not happy Jan!!!
what is a fill 
It suddenly occurred to me that some people don't know what a fill is, so I thought I better explain.

Ok from the above picutre you can see that the band is placed in such a way that I have a small stomach now. It gets full and tells my brain I am not hungry. Now the band gets tightened so that the stomach doesn't let as much food flow thru easily and it keeps telling the brain I am full. The looser the band the more food needed to say I am full.

Now to tighten the band you see the port in the pic? Well it is just under the skin and saline is injected into it and it "fills" the band. Its a bit like putting air into a balloon and blowing it up, except here they use liquid instead of air.

Its a bit of a guessing game getting it to the right point at the moment, but once it is then it will be longer inbetween fills. :)
Am having a fill tomorrow of 1.5ml so I should def notice the difference then. Lets hope it stays that way this time lol.
more fill 
Just a quick update.

Am going to ring tomorrow about getting more fill. I am now eating normal size meals atm, which isn't suppose to happen. If I have  smaller meal I am feeling hungry a lot quicker.

Now just need someone to motivate me to exercise. I haven't done any lately.

But on the good side, I do have more energy and next time I have blood tests the vampire will be happy. My arms had gotten so that the crease had made it difficult to get blood taken, now its nice and smooth again in the creases. Its the little things that make the difference in noticing lol.

Thank you so much to all of those that give me words of encouragement. You are the ones that keep me going and make me feel proud of myself. So a big ((HUG)) to all of you from me.

yeah yeah I know 
Yep I know, you thought I had abandoned you all lol. But no I just got slack haha.

Ok last time you visited the blog I was going out for lunch for first time since fill. Had a lovely time at sizzlers. Was good that I didn't have dessert just salad and the side dish of prawns and a couple of chips, bad were that I drank while eating - big no no.

I am no longer 1/2-cup girl. Meals are getting bigger and to the point I am thinking I may need some more fill added. Am going to wait and see how it goes over the next couple of days and take it from there.

On other news I had my follow up consultation with the psychologist yesterday. I don't know if I told you that to get the lap band done you have to have a visit so they can say your sane and should get it done (well that’s my interpretation of it anyway lol ). The first person I saw I didn't really like. She spent most of the time asking me how I was going to cope with throwing up all the time. My reply was that I was going to do everything right so that didn't happen, but she just kept harping on it.

This time I saw the guy who owns the practice as I had said I didn't like the other one. Must say he was a lot better but one thing I have to laugh about is a questionnaire you fill out before first visit. It asks you stupid questions like would you rather be a builder or a gardner and ones like cat is to kitten as dog is to pony, calf, pup etc.

So I got the results of the test yesterday and it had me rotfl on the way home... well not literally otherwise I wouldn't have seen the road from the floor of the car, but you get the drift.

It showed I wasn't depressed - good news, must tell GP that anti depressants are working well. That I was anxious more than normal in one part but not in another. This he contributed to being anxious about the operation... you think!! Then it showed while I was comfortable in a group I preferred to be on my own. I explained well I knew this. We have carers and visitors every day of the week. I crave the days that Ryan and everyone is out and I am home alone. This puts me outside the "normal" range haha. Next he said that I was outside normal in that I preferred things to stay the same instead of change... hello I'm a Virgo!! And I told him this haha. The last one was that I am outside normal as I care more about others than myself.... hmmm well not many mothers give a crap about themselves over their family.

Oh and I almost forgot. He showed me I was in normal range for self-control. To this I replied, "yeah I knew that. I smoked for 32 years and gave up cold turkey".

So no more visits back to them now. Can't say that I will miss them hehe.
eating out 
Well today will be the first time I will be eating out since having the band filled, so should be interesting.

I am still trying to get the amounts right and still getting bad wind under my left rib and shoulder tip pain if I have too much. Too much can sometimes just be another mouthful or like the other night, I had dinner and then hubby got me a cuppicinno about 45 mins later. Well it just went and burst me into a world of wind pain. So now I know. While having a normal tea or coffee is fine then, a full on milk drink is not lol.
I am under 60 BMI whooo hoooo. How exciting is that?? Well probably not for you lot but it is for me haha.

All is going fine. Exercise has fallen by the wayside this week. Somehow I have hurt my right foot and hip. In fact hurt it so much that heat packs and massage are doing nothing so going to pop some digestics. Considering how much I hate taking tablets, it gives you an idea of how sore it is.

Am thinking last night when I had fish and veggies for dinner that I swallowed a bone. I thought I had checked  throughly but felt it as I swallowed and now think its stuck in my throat but nothing is moving it. Or it could be I am just thinking its stuck and imagining something in my throat. haha. Needless to say if I still feel it tomorrow I will head off to the drs to get it checked.
call me 1/2 cup girl 
You can call me 1/2 cup girl, cause thats all I seem to be able to eat at a time before feeling stuffed. This was yesterdays food that I wrote in my diary.
¼ cup porridge
1 large banana
4 cruskits with tuna, ricotta cheese and tomato
5 strawberries
½ cup pasta with bolognaise sauce

Today isn't looking much better haha.

Now you might think that all things about loosing weight are good things. Well yeah 99% of it is but that little 1% is there to keep you on your toes.

For example: You know when your loosing as your breath has the green fumes of toxic odour coming from it haha. This is your body's way of saying "bad stuff inside leaving" lol.

Another part of that 1% is............ saggy skin. Not all of it bounces back into that taut position it was born in. Many have to eventually have plastic surgery to correct it. 

So me being me started fantasicing this morning over what I would get done. Now just imagine that pulled back, stunned expression that people get when having a face lift, then I thought I could ask for Demi Moore's body - wonder what it would look like or 2 feet high legs haha, Speaking of legs, maybe Julia Roberts - again imagine them 2 feet long. Oh what a beauty I will be!!! 

Maybe that 1% isn't so bad after all hahahaha.

I finally got to have some food last night. Decided on something gentle so some mashed sweet potato and fish from Peter's catch last week. Had under a cup of food and think I over did it as I got pain under my left rib.

This morning I made my 1/2 cup of porridge and could only get through half of it, as by then I was totally stuffed.

Now God knows how I am suppose to eat what I have been told to by the dietician, because there is no way I am going to be able to.

4 bread serves
1 starchy vegetable/pasta/rice
2 to 3 cups of vegetables
3 fruit serves
1 1/2 dairy serves
1 protein serve.
1 other serve - this is things like butter, oil, avocado, icecream, sugar, 1 slice garlic bread, wine etc.

Maybe I will just have to make sure I get a bit of each and see what happens.

I have also decided to wait before weighing myself and get a surprise (hopefully a good one haha)

I am also cutting down on coffee. A few months ago I changed to decaf coffee. The only problem is that then I drink more than my usual 1 cup a day of it. I have discovered that even too much decaf will cause heart burn type symptoms. So am cutting back again and having tea instead.

Hmmm that gunk they give you to see on xrays just doesn't like me. The toilet has been my best friend lately.

Monday night I was laying in bed wondering if I wanted to throw up or just poop more haha. Horrible feeling that it was. Yesterday had my fluids but not an over amount. A couple of optifast and some soup. Today I have woken feeling a lot better.

Funny story. Last night daughter was having a "I just feel like crying and my mummy to hug me" moment. While I was she could hear all the sounds coming from my insides and decided it sounded like I was ready to explode haha.

With eating less your intestines and bowel have less in them and make lots of weird noises. Laying in bed last night they were having a conversation in there. I was thinking to describe it, its a bit like air in your hot water pipes and it hammers. But then I thought when it blows its more like one of those steam whistles that you see in old movies to stop work, or a whale with a blow hole going hahaha.

Maybe I should make a cd especially of the burps which come from so low down I could be a tenor haha.

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