Thursday, 1 March 2012

Replies to email

I had put up a copy of an email that I had sent to those running in the state government elections. So far only one has replied.  Am thinking that they don't have anything in this election to offer carers, or maybe I have read it wrong.

Thank you Mrs Czernia for your email  

I have made some enquiries to ensure that I provided as much info as possible. 

As you may know:
·        Carers Queensland received $2.492 million in 2010-11 to provide counselling, support and advocacy services to carers of home and community care clients. It also provides education, information and training about carers’ needs for Home and Community Care service providers.
·        Additional funding of $1.21 million per annum was committed to eight organisations in 2010-11 to provide regional counselling, support and information services for carers. $534,000 of this funding was allocated to Carers Queensland.
·        In 2011-12, $4.2 million is provided to 22 respite service providers across 25 locations to provide respite to older parent carers and assist with transition planning. Respite provided by this initiative includes in-home support, centre-based respite and community-based support. In some locations, emergency respite and other flexible respite options are available
·        As of February 2012, a total of 113 people with older carers have transitioned to a place of their own under the Disability Assistance Packages since July 2010.

The Queensland Government is committed to recognising and supporting carers, with the following initiatives introduced to support carers in their caring role:
·        the Carers (Recognition) Act 2008 (Carers Act) (PDF) recognises the valuable contribution carers make to the people they care for and the social and economic benefit carers provide to the community. The Act sets out requirements for public authorities to recognise and support carers through services to carers and the people they care for, and also for employees of public authorities who undertake a caring role, specifically through:
·        the Carers Charter (PDF, 344 KB) Carers Charter (RTF, 12 KB), which contains 13 principles recognising the significant contribution carers make to the community
·        the establishment of the Queensland Carers Advisory Council, which advises the Minister on matters relating to carers and works to advance carers’ interests. The Council has 12 members: four carers, one of whom must be a grandparent carer; three carer association representatives; one member who represents grandparent carers; and four public servants. A Council Communique (PDF, 134 KB) (RTF, 70 KB) is produced and available on the website following each meeting.
·        The Carer Business Discount Card is a concession card that provides eligible carers with discounts on goods and services from participating businesses. This scheme is a partnership between the state government and businesses across Queensland.
·        The Companion Card promotes fair ticketing for people with a disability who need significant assistance from a companion to attend activities and venues in their community. This card will enable people with a disability to have the same opportunities for participation and recreation as other community members.
·        The Office for Carers is Queensland’s main government contact point for carers' issues. The Office actively engages with other government departments, non-government organisations and the community to raise awareness about carers and embed Carers Charter principles in government and community activity. It also provides secretariat support to the Queensland Carers Advisory Council.
·        The Queensland Government Carer Action Plan 2011–2014 is another important mechanism to support carers. It builds on the report Review of the Queensland Carer Action Plan 2006-10 (PDF, 163 KB) (RTF, 336 KB) which outlines the progress achieved through the Queensland Government Carer Action Plan 2006–2010 (PDF, 271 KB) Carer Action Plan 2006–2010 (RTF, 55 KB). To order a printed copy of the Carer Action Plan, call the Office for Carers on 1800 177 120 (toll-free within Australia) or email:
For the first time, Australia has a National Carer Strategy—the second element of the Australian Government’s National Carer Recognition Framework. The National Carer Strategy strengthens the Queensland Government’s commitment to recognise and respond to the needs of carers; and to support carers having rights, choices, opportunities and capabilities to participate in economic, social and community life. The priority areas in the Queensland Carer Action Plan 2011-14 align with the National Carer Strategy.
I know how difficult things can be in this regard and as such I hope that this information is of use to you?
Thank you for raising this matter with me.

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