Thursday, 23 February 2012

I want to pinch myself.

I am sitting here and my inside feel like they won't stay still and there is just so much nervous energy flowing through my body. My whole body - legs, arms, chest and stomach is like this. I just want to pinch myself to make sure it hurts and is real.

Why? Because one of my dreams is coming true. Let me start at this morning.

Today started off as a pretty shitty type of day. I had an argument with Foxtel, was tired and cranky. I then received a phone call from Montrose, saying that due to Ryan going in there in April and the following week being ANZAC day, that they would let the boys stay in over the weekend until the Tuesday the following week.

As soon as we heard that, we rang MDAQ and asked about them helping with the cruise we had spoken to them about. They confirmed they could get someone to look after Ryan on the Sunday until he went into Montrose on the Monday.

We then rang the travel agent and asked about the cruise that week. There was 1 cabin left on the outside and it was reduced in price and a $200 onboard credit. We grabbed it. Ryan's carers worked out and once paid for, the excitement has set in.

We haven't had a holiday away with just the two of us, for over 20 years. We have had the once a year night or two down the coast, but nothing like this. I just feel that this is going to be a year to remember.

This will cross off another thing on my list and the week we get back will cross off another when I attend a dawn service.

Life might begin at 40, but for this little black duck its 50!!!

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